Social Security Disability

Social Security is a federally provided benefit available to all citizens who meet the criteria. Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys can help you navigate a social security disability claim or appeal.

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What is a Social SEcurity?

Social Security is a federally provided benefit available to all citizens who meet the criteria. It is a form of disability benefit meant to assist those individuals who are past retirement age or workers who have become injured and cannot return to work.

One thing that it is important to note is that if you apply for Social Security benefits, you automatically waive your right to sue your employer for any damages related to a personal injury. This holds true even if it is later proven that your employer was negligent.

This type of detail, vital to your claim yet unknown by most people, is why it is so important to work with an experienced attorney. Their help can be invaluable when it comes to applying for benefits and choosing what type of claim to file. Most specialized attorneys have spent years learning the details of the law and can use this knowledge to your benefit.

How a Shunnarah Helps with Social Security Disability Claims

At Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys, we understand the complexities and intricacies of Social Security Disability Law. Our dedicated team of seasoned legal experts is committed to providing unparalleled representation for those seeking disability benefits, ensuring that each client receives the full benefits they are entitled to by law. We know the challenges you face and are here to guide you through every step of the application and appeals process.

Why Choose Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys?

Our firm brings years of specialized experience in Social Security Disability Law. We are well-versed in navigating the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) stringent requirements and the nuances of disability law across various states. Our attorneys offer comprehensive legal counsel and deeply empathize with our clients’ struggles, making it our mission to advocate on your behalf.

We understand that things may be overwhelming for you as you seek your social security disability benefits, and ultimately, we believe that teaming up with one of our attorneys can help you by providing:

  • Legal Knowledge about Social Security Law
  • Negotiating Skills
  • Focus and Dedication 
  • Commitment to Compensation 
  • Motivation to Proceed with Your Case
  • Free Consultation

Our Firm’s Commitment to Your Rights and Benefits

At Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys, we are committed to fighting for the rights of individuals with disabilities. We understand the critical nature of these benefits for you and your family’s well-being.

Our firm is ready to help you navigate the challenging paths of Social Security Disability Law. Find an attorney near you to begin the legal process of filing your claim.

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Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys handles cases in all 50 states. Find a location or attorney to assist you with your case.

Frequently Asked Questions about Social Security Disability

Explore our FAQ to get the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions about social security disability claims.

What qualifies as a disability for Social Security benefits?

A qualifying disability is any medical condition that significantly limits your ability to perform basic work activities—and that is expected to last at least 12 months or result in death. Our attorneys can help determine if your specific condition meets the SSA criteria.

How do I apply for Social Security Disability benefits?

Applying for disability benefits involves submitting the Disability Benefit Application and the Adult Disability Report, which can be filled out and submitted online or at your local Social Security office. Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys can assist you in gathering all necessary documentation and completing the application process accurately and efficiently.

What should I do if my application is denied?

It is not uncommon for initial applications to be denied. However, you have the right to appeal. Our firm excels in handling appeals, representing clients at reconsideration and hearing stages, and ensuring that all relevant medical evidence and testimonies are effectively presented.

How long does the process take to receive Social Security Disability benefits?

The processing time can vary significantly, typically ranging from a few months to over a year. Timeliness depends on the thoroughness of your application, the need for additional evidence, and the backlog of the SSA. Our team strives to expedite the process by ensuring that your application is complete and robust from the outset.

Can I afford legal representation for my disability case?

Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys works on a contingency fee basis for Social Security Disability cases, meaning you pay nothing unless we win your case. There are no upfront costs for our legal services, and our fees are typically a percentage of the back pay awarded to you, as regulated by federal law.

Securing Results for Our Clients


Testimonial: Workplace Injury

Here from our client’s experience with his railroad workplace injury.


$3,000,000 Rewarded

Workplace Accident: Third Party Catastrophic Injury


$5,000,000 Rewarded

Catastrophic Accident

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